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Fairs & Events

Fairs, events, expositions, etc., for society at large with the participation of MAGNAMED partners.

It was a pleasure to meet Prof. Marie Sklodowska-Curie and her husband in Brussels

Science is Wonderful! is an initiative of the European Union to bring science closer to children and general public and raise their interest in science. MAGNAMED participated in this fair in Brussels in 2019.

The Spanish National Museum of Science and Technology (MUNCYT) in A Coruña held the third edition of Campus Vivo: Investigar en la Universidad. Seven exhibition projects were selected. MAGNAMED presented a showcase with nanomaterials, biosensors, and biological tissues.

The exhibit was open from July 2020 to March 2021. Unfortunately, this was a period of strong mobility restrictions due to the COVID pandemic situation.

MAGNAMED was also selected for the #MyJobinResearch video challenge. An initiative of the European Research Executive Agency (REA) to communicate in 15 second our research story. Accepted videos were published on the @REA_research Twitter account.

EducAccion is a course for high-school teachers organized by Cristian Vilos (UTalca) to cover new concepts on nanomedicine and biotechnology.

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